[TBR ON SUNDAY] Completed Series I still need to Finish reading – YA edition

In TBR ON SUNDAY I’ll be talking about anything related to my physical and digitial/Kindle tbr. This could be about series I haven’t finished yet, or books I really want to add to my tbr at home, my tbr on my Kindle/ARC’s and more.


There are so many series I’ve started reading over the years and that I still haven’t finished to this date. Sometimes, it’s because an author isn’t finished writing the series yet, but more often than not, the series IS already finished and I just haven’t gotten around to reading the rest of the books yet, yikes.

In today’s article, I’ll be focusing on said completed series that I’ve started reading, but haven’t finished yet. I’ve only looked into my Young Adult collection this time. There are definitely some series in (paranormal) romance genres that I haven’t finished reading yet, so you’ll see them in an article as well someday.

In most cases, I’ve only read the first book and maybe a bit of the second one as well. Since I love binge-reading series it would be perfect for me to start finishing some of these series that are currently present on my shelves, complete, and ready to be read. I could finish reading these series without having to wait for a new release, which is great! So why haven’t I finished reading them already? Seriously… sometimes, I’m so disappointed with myself haha.

Let’s see which series I could chose from at this moment and come tell me which ones you think I should start finish reading asap! Happy reading!


⌈ Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr ⌉

wicked lovely

I haven’t bought all the books in the series yet, there are 5 primary books in total and some short stories in between, but if book 2 and 3 are going to be as much fun to read as the first one was, than I really need to buy them as well and finish the series. I really liked what I’ve read by this author so far. Her faerie stories are really great to read I think and I’m definitely planning on finishing this series one day, hopefully soon. I’m a sucker for these lovely covers as well btw.

⌈ Tiger Curse Saga by Colleen Houck ⌉


I bought the first 4 books in the series, there is a 5th one as well that wasn’t published at the time of me buying the books, and I’ve read the first book. I reaaaaally liked this book. It was like Indiana Jones in book form with some really awesome fantasy and mythology elements added to it. But… I haven’t started reading book 2 yet because I’m so afraid for the love triangle to pop it’s ugly head, ugh. I really like the concept of the story in book 1, the world building and the way the story-line gets expended throughout the book so that it has you looking forward to reading the next books in the series. I really hope that the love triangle isn’t going to be too much of a bother to me because I liked the characters in the first book and don’t want them to change haha. I loved the romance in the first book as well so I was kind of hoping to read more of that instead of focusing on another forming romance but well… we’ll see. Hopefully I get into the right mood to continue reading this series sometime soon. I feel like I’m ready to dive back into this world and the adventure.

⌈ Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard ⌉

red queen

I haven’t bought the 4th book yet because at the time when I was reading book 2, I wasn’t even sure I was continuing with this series. But… I heard book 2 gets better towards the end and since I did love the first book so much, I feel like I want to give this series another chance. So, I’m planning to re-read and finish book 2 and then hopefully read book 3 and 4 as well!

⌈ Talon Saga by Julie Kagawa ⌉


This is one of those series that I started reading because I was curious about it because well; DRAGONS! and I was also about to meet the author – she’s been here in the Netherlands a couple of times now and I had a chance to meet her a couple of years ago and she is so frigging kind!!! I really liked reading Talon, but somehow I just haven’t gotten around to read the rest of the series yet. So it has been a couple of years since I read Talon and in the meantime the author has finished writing the rest of the series I believe? There are now 5 in total haha! But I want to read Rogue and Soldier first, before deciding to buy book 4 and 5 as well.

⌈ Valkyrie duology by Amanda Hocking ⌉


I’ve read the first book in this duology last year and I think this was a fun read. Not overly spectacular or anything but it had some really interesting and awesome elements added to the story. It had me curious about the second book, which I’m definitely planning to buy and read sometime haha!

⌈ Anna duology by Kendare Blake ⌉


I’ve read Anna dressed in Blood some years ago when I put it on my Halloween/October btr and I ended up loving this book aaaaaaa lot! This is definitely one of my favorite ya horror stories to this date! I was so curious to see how the story would continue in Girl of Nightmares, but somehow I just still haven’t gotten around to read it yet, yikes! Hopefully soon!

⌈ the Selection series by Kiera Cass ⌉

the crown

After loving the first three books in the series I was determined to read book 4 and 5 as well. I didn’t think book 4 was as good as the original three books were, but I found it still to be a really entertaining read. I was curious to see how things would develop over time in the fifth and final installment in the series, the Crown. I know a lot of people didn’t like the main character in these last two books, but I did come across many positive things about her aside from her flaws so I’m definitely planning to find out how her story is going to end in the Crown. Someday… haha

⌈ the Angel trilogy by L.A. Weatherly ⌉


Some years ago, when I was loving YA angel books, this trilogy crossed my path. At the time, I wasn’t that much in love with the first book as I was with other angel books I’ve read up until then, but it was enjoyable though. I haven’t gotten around to read the rest of the trilogy yet – the thickness of book 2 is kind of intimidating as well haha – but I hope to get around to re-read book 1 someday and than binge-read book 2 and 3 afterward.

⌈ Unearthly trilogy by Cynthia Hand ⌉


This is one of those YA angel series that I came across years ago, started reading and just never finished. I thought unearthly was an entertaining read but at this point, I can’t remember a lot of details on it anymore so before I continue reading book 2 and 3 (still need to buy book three) I want to re-read unearthly again I think.

⌈ the Nightfall Chronicles by Karpov Kinrade ⌉


I think this is one of those hidden gems within the ya genre. I can’t recommend Court of Nightfall enough. It was an epic read and I wish it was better known in the book community because it really deserves all the love! I started reading book 2, House of Ravens, not longer after finishing book 1 back in June 2017, but somehow I haven’t finished it yet, as well as the novella Song of Kai. I really hope to get around to finish reading these books in 2019.

⌈ Kingdom on Fire by Jessica Cluess ⌉

shadow bright and burning

When I first read a Shadow Bright and Burning back in 2016 I fell hard for this book. Even more so, when re-reading it last year before the release of a Poison Dark and Drowning, which I devoured as well. This trilogy was set out to become one of my all-time favorites. So that I had to put in a pre-order for a Sorrow fierce and falling was a given haha. I already started reading book 3, the final installment in the trilogy, but then Queen of Air and Darkness got in the way hihi. So I put it aside for a bit but hope to finish reading it soon!

⌈ Snow like Ashes trilogy by Sara Raasch ⌉

snow like ashes

I’ve read the first book immediately after it’s release back in 2016 and I ended up loving it. I really liked the characters and the world setting and its politics. I was soo excited to read book 2 so I put in a pre-order for it asap. But I never got around to finish reading book 2 and later book 3 (which I just had to buy so I could complete the stunning hardcover set, lol) and I feel so bad about that haha. I really can’t wait to dive back into this world but I’m in doubt of wether or not I should re-read Snow like Ashes first. But I really hope I get around to finish this trilogy in 2019!

⌈ Assassin’s Heart duology by Sarah Ahiers ⌉

thief's cunning

I stumbled upon Assassin’s Heart back in 2016 and I loved reading that book so so much! I was really sad when it ended so I pre-ordered Thief’s Cunning asap. In Thief’s Cunning the story of book 1 doesn’t really continue; it’s set like 20 years after the happenings of Assassin’s Heart. I’m really curious to see how the story-line continues in this ‘sequel’ since there was a lot ‘being left open’ at the end of Assassins’ Heart story-wise.

⌈ Eurona duology by Wendy Higgins⌉

the great hunt

I still can’t believe that I haven’t read the Great Pursuit yet, the sequel to the Great Hunt. I loved reading the Great Hunt so much when I’ve read it back in March 2016. But somehow I just haven’t gotten around to read it’s sequel yet, which has been on my shelves ever since it’s release in March 2017. It’s been almost 2 years now since I received the Great pursuit so I should be ashamed of myself haha. Before reading the second book in this duology though, I really want to do a re-read of the Great Hunt. So… hopefully soon then 😉

⌈ Wintersong duology by S. Jae-Jones⌉


I cannot recommend reading Wintersong enough you guys! That was definitely one of my favorite 2017 reads! So putting in a pre-order for Shadowsong was a given. I was planning to read Shadowsong asap after its release in February 2018 but yeah; haven’t gotten around to it yet haha. And in the meantime, I’ve been reading quite some mixed things on Shadowsong that have me hesitant to start reading it I guess. The second book is supposed to be a little less romantic and more focused on a brother-sister bond. But I wasn’t particularly interested in the brother-sister bond but more in the romance bond between Liesl and the Goblin King so this bummed me out a bit haha. I plan on reading it someday, but it’ll probably be a while.

⌈ Seven black Diamonds duology by Melissa Marr⌉

one blood ruby

Seven black Diamonds was a book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading! I’ve read a Melissa Marr book before, Wicked Lovely, about faeries which I really liked but I liked this one even more so. So why I haven’t read One Blood Ruby yet, it’s sequel, is beyond me! At this point though, since it’s been awhile since I’ve read SbD, I really want to do a re-read of the first book. So hopefully somewhere in 2019, I’ll be getting around to finish reading this awesome duology!

⌈ Alienated trilogy by Melissa Landers⌉


Alienated, the first book in this YA Sci-Fi trilogy, was read in April 2016. It was a book I enjoyed at the time and I was definitely planning on finishing the trilogy. But yeah; haven’t gotten around to do it yet haha – also; still need to buy book 3. At this point however, I’m not sure if I’ll get around to continue reading this trilogy anytime soon. I obsess about YA Sci-Fi books so why I’m not more enthusiastic at this point isn’t something I understand haha. But, I don’t know… I hope I get around to do it someday, but it’ll probably be a while.

⌈ the Diabolic duology by S.J. Kincaid⌉

the empress

I was obsessed when reading the Diabolic! I loved that book so so much. So when I started reading the Empress right after its release, it was quite a shocker to me that the book wasn’t all that impressive to me. I haven’t finished the Empress to this day – I was 1/3 in I guess? I don’t know when I’ll be interested again in picking it up, or ever… I think this is one of those ‘series’ in which it would’ve been better if the first book would’ve remained being a standalone, you know what I mean? But I also owe it to myself to finish reading this book I think since I loved the first one so much and I’m still quite curious though, to see how it all continues in the Empress.

⌈ the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer⌉

lunar chronicles

This series is one of those really hyped series that I’ve stayed away for, for quite a while. Especially seeing it’s Sci-Fi and that’s a genre that I came to love so much. So I was scared this series was going to disappoint me. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case at all when I got around to reading Cinder, the first book in the series. I loved the book a lot and I’m really excited to read the other books in the series, which I still have to purchase haha. So, hopefully somewhere in 2019, I’ll be able to finish reading the Lunar Chronicles!

⌈ the Gold Seer trilogy by Rae Carson⌉

the seer

I remember so well back in 2015, how hyped I was for this book to release. I put in a pre-order earlier that year and started reading the book soon after it’s release in September 2015. It was an okay read, what I’ve read so far, but somehow I just put the book aside fairly easily as well. And I haven’t picked it back up again since, yikes. Painful right? lol.

⌈ Monsters of Verity duology by Victoria Schwab⌉

this savage song

This savage song was a book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading and I’m really curious about the second book since I’ve been hearing only great things about it. I still need to buy it, but I’m definitely planning on finishing this duology someday!

⌈ a Darker Shade of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab⌉

shade of magic

Even though I wasn’t majorly impressed with a Darker Shade of Magic… Well; I did like reading the book, seriously. There were definitely elements present in this world and story-line that I liked and want to read more about but I just feel like this first book is really overhyped? But okay… I still am curious to find out though how much the story will progress in the next book, since trilogies like these normally tend to get better with each new book. I’ve heard this was the case as well with this trilogy, so I’m definitely diving back into this world someday.

⌈ Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo⌉


I fell in love so hard when I first read Shadow and Bone. That book was just such a magnificent read and I was so excited to read the rest of this trilogy. I’ve started reading book 2, but then I kind of fell into a reading slump? I kind of lost that magic feeling that I experienced while reading book 1? It sometimes felt like everything dragged a bit you know, in the second book. But I do love this world so so much and I found the characters interesting in book 1, so I’m still curious to find out how their story will continue. I’ll be re-reading book 2 someday and then hopefully finish it as well, so I can read book 3 too. I really want to finish reading the Grisha trilogy before starting the Six of Crows books.


It’s quite shocking to see how many series I own, also started reading, but still haven’t finished yet haha, oops? <- and only counting the series that are already completed by the author. There are also some (completed) series I bought and haven’t started at all yet, and I’ll be talking about those in a new article very soon as well.

Are there any completed series on your shelves, that you started reading but haven’t finished yet? Love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!

With Love,
Melissa ♥


11 thoughts on “[TBR ON SUNDAY] Completed Series I still need to Finish reading – YA edition

  1. I still have to finish the Talon saga too. Normally I wait until I have the whole series before I start reading, but didn’t do it with this one.

    Also 2 series I started for the Hebban reading club that I want to finish. The Thousanth Floor and the Wired series by Donna Freitas


    1. I totally understand! I love to binge-read series but then there are series written by favorite authors and I just cannot wait until they’re done writing you know? But the waiting for each new sequel is brutal then haha.


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